My friends

I can not put into “perfect words” how much I appreciate all your support during this very difficult time of separation from my daughter.  It feels good to know I can lean on so many friends when I feel I am falling down.

My facebook friends, college friends, high school friends, life long friends….you get the picture.  You always have a listening ear and words of encouragement.  This is why friendship is priceless. 

Dale is the greatest boyfriend I’ve ever had.  His feelings were hurt a little bit when I told him he couldn’t be my “best friend” because having your significant other as your best friend is a challenge.  If a bf or gf is your bbf and you two break up, you’re doubly screwed, and not in a good way!

Friends are precious and even if long periods of time pass between talking to a friend, it’s so easy to catch up.  Never take a friend for granted or after a while you will find you don’t have any “real friends” at all.

Remember, you get to pick your friends.

Choose wisely,
